Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dwelling On The Destination.

So. I have had my epiphany. I was driving down the highway the other day and just thinking about things and I had a mild realization. Disclaimer: its nothing huge, but that’s kind of the beauty of it. Its also very clichĂ©, but its something that we as human beings tend to lose sight of especially for someone like me, who is antsy and so much anticipating the rest of my life out of school. I realized that for one; it is going to do me absolutely no good to not be content with the life I am living right now, the life of a college student. In fact, I should be doing the exact opposite… I should be enjoying the life I am living right now as a student. I have so many incredible opportunities right here, right now in Massachusetts. I am working on getting Intervarsity started on my campus and have the role of president. I’m learning some pretty amazing stuff and I’m about to start my first clinical as a nursing student. I have two and a half more years and there’s no changing that… why be bumming out about something that is not going to change any time soon? I want to look back on these years and remember a time of my life that I enjoyed and changed lives and changed a campus that didn’t know what it meant to be a Christian. Even if I touch as many lives that I can count on one hand, that will be enough. This thing we call life is a journey, its an adventure in itself. There are going to be a few stops on the way, goals reached, turning points in life. But life isn’t about the destinations, life is about the journey. You have to love the journey on your on in order to love the destination you want to reach. Its what makes reaching the destination worthwhile. Of course, the destination is amazing, and its good to think about once in a while for some inspiration, a light at the end of the tunnel if you will… but what’s the use of dwelling on something far down the line? If you are dwelling on the destination, you’re never going to get there because you are going to be stuck thinking about it, never having even moved.

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