Thursday, June 23, 2011

summmmmer :)

Working as a CNA this summer has been nothing short of a blessing. I have never really been around elderly people as much am before now, the closest to elderly has been my grandparents who are all still pretty young and active. At first it was a little bit depressing and I would tell myself every day that I would never get old… ever. Don’t get me wrong I still tell myself that sometimes, and I still get sad for my clients… but I have (mostly) come to terms with the fact that in 65+ years ill be old and wrinkly and stiff and sore. I came to terms with it by making a pact with myself. I want to live this life to the absolutely fullest. I never want to do anything half way. I never want to look back and wish I had taken a chance or regret missing a great opportunity. When I get old, I am going to be perfectly content because ill be able to look back on the life I lived and have no regrets because I did everything I wanted to do. I want to be able to say I was the best friend, sister, daughter, wife, mother (god willing…) that I could have possibly been. Most of all, when it comes my time to leave this world, I want to enter the gates of heaven to hear my Father say “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” If I do all this, getting old will be a whole lot easier and ill be a lot more okay with it. But as for right now, I am a young 20 years old with a whole lot of life ahead of me. I cant wait to continues to unfold… I have an overwhelming sense that the best is yet to come… :) 

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