Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stop And Think

So I have been reading (or trying to read) the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I have only gotten through the first part of the first chapter, but hopefully I will be able to get a lot read over vacation. I’m certainly not going to rush through it because I want to be able to get as much as I can out of it. Anyways, there is this website that Chan made to go along with the book that has videos and questions and things to match what you are reading. The first part of the book ended with a video called “Stop And Think.” He instructs you to stop reading right there and go and watch that video… so I did. It’s a fifteen-minute video but it was worth every minute of watching. I know a lot of people don’t want to spend that much time or have that much time to watch a video online, so I wanted to share what I got out of it. So this whole video was about just what the title says- stop and think. Just those three words are enough to sit for an hour and think about. I think us as human beings are naturally so “go, go, go.” We always need something to do, something to talk about, something to work on. When we finish one task, its on to the next.  It is almost difficult to get to a place where you can stop what you are doing and just think… think about where you are, about who you are, are you doing what you want to be doing? Or doing something that will help you get to where you want to eventually be? If you aren’t, then why are you wasting your time? If what you are doing doesn’t make you happy, or its not going to make you happy somewhere down the line… why bother? I mean, don’t take this the wrong way and go quit your job or drop out of school… for most people those things help you to work towards a place in your life where you really can be happy and content. I don’t necessarily love school, but I know its going to get me a degree and get me to a place where I want to be, working in a foreign country or in a hospital where I can be supporting a family with a great job.
Stop and think. You have to get out of the habit of thinking that today is just another day. Today isn’t just any other day! if you live your life like that, it looses so much meaning. I know its clichĂ©, waking up each day really is a gift. Honestly, what better gift could you be given than the gift of life? Of living? Of having the opportunity to be a friend, a parent, a caregiver, a significant other… a human being. God gave us life, and we take that for granted every single day… At least I know I do. When we take our life for granted, we overlook the things that God has for us. God… the creator of the UNIVERSE wants to give to us, He wants to be with us… if you miss out on this, you will miss out on a whole lot. Don’t settle for anything less than everything that God has planned for you, going into every day burdened with life is not going to bring you closer to God. Start each day with a verse, or even a song that speaks to you. Pick something that is going to remind you to stop and think about your life. Not only does God love you, but also God is CRAZY about you… It would break his heart to see you to live your life as an eye roll or a shoulder shrug. Snap out of your routine. Stop, think and be thankful... prepare yourself for what God has in store and live your life in a new light!
If you have some time to kill... Watch this video. You wont regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Just what I needed to read on a Monday morning! Well said, Christi :)
